
Chung Chi College launches Young Leaders Award to cultivate all-round talents for new era

To nurture talents with the attributes of “Academics and Athletics” (文武雙全), “Morality and Service” (德才兼備) and “Spiritual Enhancement” (靈性修為) for the fast changing society, Chung Chi College has launched the “Young Leaders Award” to recognise Chung Chi students who have outstanding performance in academic and other areas. In its inaugural year, the programme will offer eight scholarships that can be renewed for two years.

Angel Ng Yin-yee, convenor of the college’s task force on scholarships and awards, says: “Chung Chi encourages students to pursue academic excellence while also valuing their potential and talents in different fields. This award fully reflects the college’s support for students’ whole-person development. With the programme, I believe the students will become leaders who are academically and athletically strong, one with moral character, spiritual intelligence and critical thinking skills, able to bring positive impact to the society.”

The first year of the scholarship programme is sponsored by the United Overseas Bank, which will award HK$50,000 to selected full-time first-year undergraduates. Internships in corporations or NGOs with opportunities of job shadowing senior management will be arranged, enhancing students’ competitiveness in the workplace. Students will also be each assigned an industry leader as their mentors to give personal guidance and advice. Furthermore, opportunities to work and have one-on-one fireside chat with C-suites executives will be offered to inspire students with valuable experience and insight.

For more details of the programme, please visit the College website.


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