Picture A: a tattoo under natural light. Picture B: the same tattoo under laser-stimulated fluorescence

Laser-stimulated fluorescence technology unveils complexity of ancient Peruvian tattoos

A groundbreaking study led by Michael Pittman, Assistant Professor at CUHK’s School of Life Sciences and Thomas G. Kaye of the Foundation for Scientific Advancement in Sierra Vista, the United States, has uncovered intricate tattoo designs on 1,200-year-old mummified human remains from Peru’s Chancay culture using laser-stimulated fluorescence (LSF) technology. These tattoos, featuring fine-line designs rivaling modern precision, suggest they were status symbols or spiritual emblems. The research, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, not only expands knowledge of Chancay artistry but hints at a global exploration of ancient tattoo practices.

The study reveals tattoos with exquisite details, showcasing geometric and zoomorphic patterns that surpass Chancay pottery and textiles. LSF technology revitalises these ancient tattoos and erases centuries of decay. This could point to tattoos as a second major artistic focus, carrying deep cultural or spiritual significance.

Picture A: an example of decorated Chancay pottery. Picture B: an example of Chancay textiles. Picture C: the location of Chancay on the coast of Peru

The interdisciplinary effort which involves experts from various fields highlights the importance of advanced imaging in archaeology. Ancient tattoos have long been enigmatic, with faded ink and post-mortem skin decay obscuring their original artistry. LSF technology, which generates high-contrast fluorescence images from preserved skin, has unveiled exceptional fine-line tattoos with details as narrow as 0.1-0.2 mm. The findings call for further exploration of ancient tattoo practices globally.

“This is just the tip of the iceberg,” says Professor Pittman. “LSF technology opens up a world of possibilities for studying ancient tattoos, not just in Peru but around the world. We hope that by introducing LSF technology to the practice of tattoo analysis we will further expand our knowledge of this important ancient artform.”


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