Re-opening of Voluntary Top-up Medical Insurance Scheme for Hospital Care

Dear colleagues,

The Voluntary Top-Up Medical Insurance Scheme (“VTP”), a user-pay medical insurance scheme at affordable premium rates, was introduced in 2006 to members of the University’s Staff Medical Benefits Scheme (“SMBS”) with private class hospital benefits to help cover in-patient treatment expenses in excess of the reimbursable limits under the SMBS.

Appointees who newly meet the eligibility must enrol within 60 days after becoming eligible for SMBS private class hospital benefits. Since VTP covers pre-existing medical conditions, for anti-risk concern, late enrolments are not entertained by the Insurer.

Re-opening of VTP

Riding on requests from many staff who have previously missed the enrolment deadline, Liberty International Insurance Limited (the “Insurer”) has agreed, on an exceptional basis, to re-open VTP on the coming Anniversary Date (i.e. 1 July 2022), subject to exclusion of pre-existing medical conditions currently / recently under treatment which could, however, be relaxed if the medical condition has NOT manifested for some time after re-joining. For details, please refer to the video presentation PowerPoint and scheme booklet mentioned hereunder.

VTP Premium Rates (for major age groups) for Insurance Year 2022-23

AgeMember eligible to first class SMBS hospital benefits (HK$)SMBS eligible to second class SMBS hospital benefits (HK$)
Adult age under 361,8411,564
36 – 502,2311,894
51 – 703,2862,785

Video Presentation by Insurance Broker

To enhance understanding of VTP, you are cordially invited to click this link to view a video presentation by the insurance broker, Mercer (Hong Kong) Limited (“Mercer”).

The concise guide, scheme booklet, premium rate table and other relevant information of the VTP are available on the Finance Office’s website.

Enrolment Timeline

If you wish to take this exceptional opportunity to join/re-join the VTP, please complete an online application for joining the VTP on or before 22 June 2022 (Wednesday). The Insurer will acknowledge your online application and notify you a payment gateway after your enrolment details are verified.

For enquiry, please contact the following parties:

VTP and enrolment matters: Mercer at Tel: 2864-5389
Other SMBS matters: Finance Office at Tel: 3943-7251 / 3943-1556

Payroll and Superannuation Unit, Finance Office


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