
CUHK joins the Nature Positive Universities Alliance

With climate change and the need for conservation attracting heavy scrutiny in recent years, universities have placed huge emphasis on sustainable development. As such, CUHK has joined the Nature Positive Universities Alliance as a founding member. At the UN Biodiversity Conference (also known as COP 15), CUHK participated in the establishment of the Alliance, which also includes 110 universities from more than 45 countries as its members. Developed by the University of Oxford, and counting amongst its members the University of Cambridge, University of California and University of Sydney, these universities have taken an official pledge to start examining the environmental impact of their actions, particularly with a view to restoring ecosystems and biodiversity, and achieving sustainable development.

CUHK Vice-Chancellor Professor Rocky S. Tuan expressed his delight in signing the pledge. He said, “Joining the Nature Positive Universities Alliance is one of our commitments to sustainable development, and aligns with the goals of CUHK Strategic Plan 2021–2025.” He also mentioned how CUHK is devoted to achieving the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. “As part of this alliance, we pledge to monitor and reduce our ecological footprint, to fight global climate change and conserve nature.”

With more than 60% of the campus covered in planted vegetation, CUHK is an active player in how it manages its terrestrial ecosystems. Key to this is the participation of the School of Life Sciences, whose Shiu-Ying Hu Herbarium keeps an eye on the plants on campus, and has developed multiple technological operations in relation to its conservation and informational efforts. The Herbal Garden is another important resource, preserving native medicinal plants for research and education. Likewise, a research team from the Coral Academy has been monitoring coral habitats, as well as restoring coral by planting fragments and juvenile corals in the Tolo Channel, which has also enabled marine conservation.

CUHK was the first university in Hong Kong to set a target to go carbon neutral, by 2038.  This commitment is underpinned by the University’s actions to significantly lower its carbon and ecological footprints, such as promoting electric vehicles and implementing the Green Office Programme (also known as GO!), and the Energy Conservation Incentive Scheme. CUHK prioritises nature when tackling its own supply chains and operational impact, and continues to influence the wider community by promoting environmental awareness through its outreach programmes.


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