In full swing: CUHK Science celebrates 60 years of discovery, learning and friendship
The first weekend of June was filled with fun and joy as the Science Faculty (the Faculty)’s exciting events were held in full swing. It started with the Faculty’s first-ever Alumni Open House (3 June) where a series of activities were held to welcome alumni, along with their family and friends back on campus. They engaged in different educational activities and enjoyed themselves at tea gatherings to catch up with old classmates and former teachers. The meaningful occasion was graced by the presence of several Alumni Association leaders at the opening ceremony.
Following the Alumni Open House, the Faculty’s 60th Anniversary Dean’s Cup was held on 4 June. A hundred energetic faculty members, alumni and students gathered for competitive sports tournaments in badminton, basketball and tennis. The event was a showcase of excellent sportsmanship and team spirit where the competing teams put in their best efforts.

To celebrate the pursuit of intellectual excellence over the past six decades, the Faculty also hosted two academic events recently – the “Transformation from an Ordinary College Student to a Transformative Researcher” Distinguished Science Lecture (9 June) by Professor Hou Yizhao, and Distinguished Science Lectures cum Research Day 2023 (11 June) with two global leading scholars giving keynote lectures.

Check out the newly launched Science Faculty 60th Anniversary Website to keep abreast with the celebratory events. The 60th Anniversary Banquet will be held on 16 September (Saturday). Stay tuned!