The renowned Lingnan School painter Professor Ng Yuet-lau portrays the university’s spectacular views on the packaging of the mooncake box

Lunar delights: sharing love and mooncakes with solitary seniors

The “CUHK・Care” service team has resumed its visits to the elderly as Hong Kong returns to normalcy after the coronavirus pandemic. On September 16, a group of approximately 40 University members paid a visit to seniors living alone in Tai Po, Shatin, and Ma On Shan. During their visit, they distributed CUHK mooncakes and shared in the festive joy with the seniors. The service team will visit other seniors on 23 September.  

Around 100 volunteers were recruited for the three visits this year, distributing 2000 mooncakes to the seniors. Starting from 2014, “CUHK・Care” has been encouraging members of the University, including students, staff, alumni and friends, to spread love in the society to uphold the University’s benevolent humanistic culture. We believe in the joy of helping others and serving the community means more than mere materialistic or monetary donation.  

The University has joined hands with Caritas La Vie, a local social enterprise which provides job opportunities for the mentally disabled through its baking workshop, to produce “CUHK Mooncake”. The mooncakes are made of low sugar white lotus seed paste with two yolks. Each contains 10.8 grams of sugar only.

In 2023, we have specially invited Professor Ng Yuet-lau, the renowned Lingnan School painter and Honorary Fellow of CUHK, the renowned Lingnan School painter and Honorary Fellow of CUHK, to contribute exquisite ink paintings to portray university’s spectacular views in the packaging box. 


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CUHK in Focus” is the official newsletter of CUHK, which carries the VC message, feature stories and campus highlights.