Literary flourishes in anticipation of the next flourishing era
The Department of Chinese Language and Literature capped their poetry and couplet writing contest, a highlight of their diamond jubilee celebrations, with an award ceremony at the Hong Kong Palace Museum on 19 December 2023, with students and alumni casting traditional literary works in a new light through calligraphy, chanting and music performances.
Founded when CUHK just opened its doors, the Department of Chinese Language and Literature is one of the University’s oldest departments. Rooted in Asia, it takes pride in its deep global vision, with its sights set on combining tradition and modernity, promulgating traditional culture while moving with the times. To celebrate the 60th anniversary of both the University and the Department, it has curated a diverse array of academic activities throughout the past year. As the crowning event, the 60th Anniversary Poetry and Couplet Writing Contest invited students and alumni of CUHK and members of the public to put down their thoughts and sentiments towards the department’s diamond jubilee, history or even the campus scenary in a poem or couplet. The award ceremony, held in December, featured a convergence of literary brilliance, encompassing teachers, students and alumni of the University and fellow scholars.

In his address, Professor Tang Sze-wing, the Department chair, remarked that the contest and award ceremony embodied the educational and research missions of the Department and its earnestness with promoting classical learning, while highlighting the importance of traditional culture. He thanked all parties for their help and support. Professor Richard Ho Man-wui, honorary professor of the Department, offered insights and tips into the writing of poetry and couplets.
To everyone’s delight, the award ceremony saw students and alumni of the Department give a modern twist to classical works, where they revisited and reinterpreted them through calligraphy, chanting and music performances. The aural and visual renderings opened up new perceptions of the literary works, breathing joy and enchantment to the Department’s 60th anniversary celebrations.