
A transformative journey of cross-cultural learning

12 CUHK students went on an 8-day immersive learning experience in Shenyang between 19-26 May, where they engaged in cross-cultural dialogues, explored local universities and enterprises, and delved into the rich heritage of Shenyang. Co-organised by the Office of Student Affairs and the University General Education, this programme, entitled “In Dialogue with China Study Trip – Shenyang Congregation: To Brighten the Elite” provided students with an opportunity to broaden their horizons and develop essential soft skills through experiential learning.

During the visit, CUHK students experienced the vibrant academic atmosphere of Shenyang, visiting six local universities: Northeastern University, Liaoning University, Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts, Shenyang Aerospace University, China Medical University and Shenyang City University, where they engaged in insightful discussions and exchanged ideas on education and learning with local university students. With these interactions, they learnt more about the Chinese education system, economic growth and its cultural significance.

Sandy Wen Xinyu, a first-year Science student, said that “during this journey, I not only made friends from CUHK, but also formed strong bonds with the students from Liaoning University. We supported and helped each other throughout the trip, and this friendship that spans across half of China is truly precious.” Reflecting on her experiences, she added, “this cultural journey was invaluable, and the knowledge and experiences I gained will forever accompany me.”

Jenny Lau Wing-ching, a second-year student studying Chinese Language and Literature, said “the intricacies of mainland Chinese social dynamics are far more complex than Hong Kong students can imagine, let alone adeptly navigate. I have observed the mainland students’ sophistication, thoughtfulness, and generosity, and their versatility and adaptability have truly surprised and amazed me.”

The programme exemplifies the transformative power of immersive learning experiences in shaping well-rounded global citizens. The soft skills gained during these programmes are essential for success in today’s interconnected and rapidly changing world, and embracing such cross-cultural learning opportunities enables personal and intellectual growth.

Below are some more photos from the study tour.


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