
Six CUHK students awarded Innovation and Technology Scholarship

Six students from CUHK’s Faculty of Medicine were awarded the Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2024 on 11 June. Established by the government’s Innovation and Technology Commission, the scholarships helps recognise talented students who possess a passion for innovation and technology. Each of the 25 awardees will receive up to HK$150,000 to participate in a series of elite training programmes, including overseas/ mainland research attachment, mentorship programmes, and achievements showcases.

Cheung Hoi-shan is a Year 4 student in the MBChB Programme (Global Physician-Leadership Stream). Her long-term aspiration is to pursue a career as a clinician-scientist, integrating patient care with research. She will participate in a clinical attachment in the Department of Otolaryngology at the Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) this year. She said: “The scholarship not only offers substantial financial support but also serves as a source of motivation for me to chase my dream in oncological research and surgery, with a specific focus on otolaryngology and head and neck surgery. With this scholarship, I will be able to expand my insights and knowledge.”

Fu Siu-ting, another awardee from the same study programme and year, has participated in volunteer activities serving Alzheimer’s patients, an experience which reinforced his aspiration to be a neurological clinical scientist focusing on neurodegenerative research. With the scholarship’s support, he will have the opportunity to learn at Oxford Motor Neuron Disease Centre, exploring the frontiers in the field of neurology. He said, “The problem of the ageing population in Hong Kong places a significant burden on the healthcare and welfare system. By acquiring knowledge and skills through engaging in research, we can figure out a method of early diagnosis and effective treatment for Alzheimer’s.”


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