Emeritus professors

Professor Lan Hui-yao (left) of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics has been awarded the title of emeritus professor with effect from 25 January 2024.

Professor Yeoh Eng-kiong (centre) of the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care has been awarded the title of emeritus professor with effect from 1 March 2024.

Professor Tam Wai-lun (right) of the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies has been awarded the title of emeritus professor with effect from 1 August 2024.

Professor Gladys Tang Wai-lan (centre) of the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages has been awarded the title of the emeritus professor with effect from 1 August 2024.

Professor Michael Cheng Kwok-keung (right) of the Department of Electronic Engineering has been awarded the title of the emeritus professor with effect from 1 August 2024.

Professor Paul Chan Kay-sheung (left) of the Department of Microbiology has been awarded the title of the emeritus professor with effect from 1 August 2024.

Professor Wan Song (right) of the Department of Surgery has been awarded the title of the emeritus professor with effect from 1 August 2024.

Professor Liu Zhifeng of the Department of Chemistry has been awarded the title of the emeritus professor with effect from 1 August 2024.

Professor Chan Wood-yee (left) of the School of Biomedical Sciences has been awarded the title of the emeritus professor with effect from 1 August 2024.


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