Funding successes

CUHK has achieved brilliant results in the Research Grants Council’s latest funding exercises, with it securing the most funded projects in Early Career Scheme, and coming first in both number of projects and funding amount in the fellowship scheme for humanities and social sciences subjects.

Out of the University’s 750 applications for General Research Fund and Early Career Scheme this year, 255 are successful, with the funding amount totalling $240.4 million. Young researchers have fared exceptionally well in Early Career Scheme, which saw 42 CUHK projects being awarded, staking the largest share among local universities. The University’s success rate in both exercises also went above the sector-wide figure.

With the Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme, the University’s performance was remarkable, with it claiming three projects out of 10 and over 46% of total funding, the greatest in number and sum among all institutions. The three approved projects, surrounding rural revitalisation, advance care planning and causation, also received the largest sums numbering one million, and around 0.97 and 0.94 million respectively.


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