
The top three of the singing competition, with CUHK student and winner Hung Sum-yee in the centre, and CUHK(SZ) student and first runner-up Yang Xiaoying on the right

Music student triumphs at cross-regional singing contest

“The Voice of Campus – Singing Across China”, jointly organised by CUHK’s Chung Chi College, CUHK (Shenzhen) and Xiamen University, was successfully last month. The event aimed to promote music and strengthen communication among university students across the country.

The cross-institutional and cross-regional singing contest lasted for several months, and the different stages were held on the campuses of the organising universities. The semi-final was held on 6 July at CUHK’s Lee Hysan Concert Hall, during which six contestants, who scored the highest and second highest from their own universities, advanced to the final  at TVB City.

The grand final on 7 July attracted an audience of nearly 500. After two rounds of performances, Hung Sum-yee, a year-4 Music student at CUHK, was crowned  champion

“I’m so blessed to have been able to join the CC Star talent competition in my final year at CUHK; and even more that I eventually managed to step onto this grand stage, and achieved the good results I have now,” Sum-yee said. “I would like to thank the College for providing me with this valuable platform, where I could showcase my singing in front of so many more people.”

During the show, Yang Xiaoying, a fourth-year Global Business Management student at CUHK (SZ), achieved first runner-up, while Molly Yeung, a second-year Business Administration student at CUHK, was awarded a merit prize during the event, broadcast on the evening of 20 July.

After the contest, Chung Chi College treated all contestants to a tour of Hong Kong’s history and culture, hoping to promote mutual understanding and integration among the youths from Hong Kong and the mainland. The event was sponsored by the Qin Jia Yuan Foundation and the Chinese Cultural and Alumni Networking Fund.


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