CUHK 's New Institutional Research Information System

CUHK is implementing a university-level Institutional Research Information System (IRIS) project, which aims to create a one-stop platform to effectively manage research-related information comprising grants, projects, research outputs, knowledge transfer activities, prizes, and media coverage. IRIS will go live in January 2025.

The platform will become a Single Source of Truth, aggregating the data from different units within CUHK, to support various purposes, such as staff reviews, as well as an institutional research output repository to replace the research output module of the current Academic Information Management System (AIMS).

The IRIS public portal will showcase the University’s research excellence to the world.  Researchers’ profiles will become more visible, potentially enhancing their research impact.  The IRIS project team is working to gradually develop these profiles for faculty members.  Announcements for important updates will be made in various channels.


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CUHK in Focus” is the official newsletter of CUHK, which carries the VC message, feature stories and campus highlights.