
Social Enterprise Startup Scheme awards six student teams

The Social Enterprise Startup Scheme of the Office of Student Affairs has awarded funding to six student teams this summer, covering a wide range of interesting business initiatives.

Entering its tenth year, the startup scheme organised by OSA’s Student Experience and Development Section has grown into a cornerstone of the University’s social entrepreneurial ecosystem, equipping students and young alumni with knowledge and skills to start their social enterprises. After a year-long grooming with mentorship and the training provided by OSA and industry experts, the participating teams’ passion and commitment to creating positive change are strengthened.

On the final presentation day of the 2023-24 cohort that took place on 9 July, 12 qualified teams pitched their diverse solutions addressing topics including social and environmental challenges, gender equality, education and mental health support. The judging panel, comprising experienced business leaders, awarded the following six of the student teams each with a seed fund worth up to HK$100,000.

TeamBusiness nature
Stoteplastic-free soles slippers producer for hotels
Lok Lok Soundmusic education and music performance provider for grassroots classes and ethnic minorities
SEN AIITAI sport activity services for special education schools and centers
Faunusgreen burial services
The Infinity Rooma thematic socio-cultural cafe at CUHK
To Learnera multifunctional learning platform companion for students to learn together

Members of “Stote” and “Lok Lok Sound” appreciated their mentor’s valuable insight in revising and developing their business models. “To Learner” members found the startup scheme an instrumental platform to meet start-up entrepreneurs as they could learn from them and discuss the difficulties of running a social enterprise.

A team is presenting their business ideas to bid the CUSE Fund


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