
University Librarian Benjamin Meunier and Director of Communications and Public Relations Lavender Cheung at the launch of the story dispenser

New short story dispenser at University Library

The University Library has introduced a new initiative in promoting literature, including works from CUHK members, and nourishing a culture of reading and writing on campus.

The Short Story Dispenser, located at the main lobby of the Library, offers an innovative way to encourage leisure reading, creative idleness, and enhance the waiting experience. It is created by French publishing house Short Édition.

Users can select from three categories – “English”, “Chinese”, and “CUHK works” – and then the machine will print, at random, a short story, an essay, a poem, or comics on a long strip of receipt-like paper. The Dispenser features works from CUHK members, including winning entries from the 2022-23 Literary CUHK Essay Competition. Additionally, it includes famous public domain works and selections from Short Edition’s publishing platform.

University Librarian Benjamin Meunier said: “The new Short Story Dispenser and online portal at the CUHK Library allow the university community to explore different stories in a more convenient and enjoyable way. We are excited to experiment with this innovative approach to sharing stories with them.

“Users can also take home ‘CUHK Works’ that showcase the talents of our students and faculty. We look forward to hearing feedback from the CUHK community and hope to extend this storytelling method beyond our campus, sharing Hong Kong literature and other works that resonate with readers.”

The paper used is environmentally friendly, BPA free, recyclable, and FSC certified. The text is printed using thermal heat technology, eliminating the need for ink or cartridges. Users are encouraged to share the printed stories before recycling them.

In addition to the physical Dispenser, a Short Story Portal for CUHK Library will provide online access to the works.


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CUHK in Focus” is the official newsletter of CUHK, which carries the VC message, feature stories and campus highlights.