CUHK learning environment wins highest student satisfaction

CUHK students have given the highest score for their learning environment among local universities funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC), according to information from the UGC.

The UGC has recently released the University Accountability Agreements for the eight universities it funds for the 2022-25 Triennium, which includes a range of performance indicators. In the area of the quality of student experience, the score given by CUHK students in answering standard UGC questions included in the University’s annual student surveys is the highest among the institution. For each of the three academic years from 2020 to 2023, the students gave an average score ranging from 3.94 to 4.01 (top score is 5) for their satisfaction with the quality of learning environment, including libraries, IT access, study space and opportunities afforded to engage with other students. The scores for the past six years for CUHK also remain the highest.

In the year 2022-2023, 7,982, or 45.8% of undergraduate students had internship experience, also the highest rate among the institutions.

In addition, CUHK has filed the highest number of patents in the past five years in Hong Kong. The University is committed to promoting innovation and entrepreneurship among its students.

The University Accountability Agreements seek to enhance the accountability and transparency of university performance in the UGC-sector. It includes various performance indicators to help the UGC assess the performance of universities against their individual circumstances.


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