Schemes for International Research Collaboration

Schemes for International Research Collaboration

To support CUHK’s internationalisation efforts, the following schemes that aim to allow faculty members and PhD students to build and strengthen research collaborations with institutions abroad are open for applications:


  1. Strategic Partnership Award for Research Collaboration (SPARC) (Deadline: 31 March 2025)


SPARC seeds new collaborative research programmes in the University’s strategic research areas which will be impactful and can be sustained through external funding sources for the next phase of their development. An award of up to HK$150,000 will be provided to each selected applicant. For details, please refer to the webpage for the programme guidelines and online application form.


  1. The University of Toronto-CUHK Research Fund (Deadline: 31 March 2025)


The University of Toronto-CUHK Research Fund is a newly established scheme to support the development of strategic partnership between the two institutions and offer opportunities for research collaboration and engagement that align with the institutional priorities, complementary strengths, and track record of cooperation.


Up to five proposals will be supported in this call. Awardees will each receive up to the following amount from their home institution:


  • CAD15,000 from the University of Toronto to support that university’s applicants and
  • HK$85,000 from CUHK to support CUHK applicants


For details, please refer to the webpage for the programme guidelines and online application form.


  1. CUHK-Chulalongkorn University Research Fund (Deadline: 31 March 2025)


The CUHK-Chulalongkorn University Research Fund has been launched to provide faculty members of the two universities with initial financial support for collaborative research explorations with the potential to create new or expanded partnerships, to develop cutting-edge scholarship that can create academic and societal impact, and to attract external funding.


The fund is open to applications from all research areas. Up to five proposals will be supported in this call. Awardees will each receive up to the following amount from their home institution:


  • THB200,000 from Chulalongkorn University to support that University’s applicants and
  • HK$50,000 from CUHK to support CUHK applicants


For details, please refer to the webpage for the programme guidelines and online application form.


  1. PhD International Mobility for Partnerships and Collaborations Award (PhD IMPAC Award) (Deadline: 14 March 2025)


The PhD IMPAC Award sponsors PhD students from CUHK and visiting PhD students for short-term research attachments. The award aims to support research collaboration between CUHK faculty members and their international peers in order to drive research excellence at the University, in addition to enriching the international learning experiences of students.


Awarded CUHK PhD students will each receive a sponsorship of HK$17,000 to HK$50,000 while visiting PhD students will receive free on-campus accommodation. For details, please refer to the webpage for the programme guidelines and online application form.



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View the submission deadlines here.

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